This is a fictional AP-style news article detailing the aftermath of an extraterrestrial attack on multiple US cities. It serves as a sequel to earlier stories Day One and Day Two.
Read the previous stories below to catch up on the narrative so far:
Suspected collaborators behind deadly alien attacks on U.S. soil taken into custody
By: Chip Wright
World News Daily
WASHINGTON — Three government officials suspected of collaborating with masterminds behind deadly alien attacks against the United States were arrested and taken into custody by Earth Defense Bureau agents on Friday.
Vincent Grady, assistant director of the Federal Alien Resettlement Program (FARP), was among those arrested. Two other FARP officials, Miranda Cruz and Ben Lofton, were also taken into custody during a raid on a FARP safehouse in eastern Maryland.
President Seth Gillman announced their capture and arrest during a live televised address to the nation.
“Justice for the victims and their families has taken a step forward today,” President Gillman said. “Our nation still faces a long, complicated road to recovery, but we will indeed recover and prosper. Make no mistake. Alien terrorists will not divide us or destroy us.”
Grady, 46, is suspected of using his position at FARP to collaborate with aliens who masterminded a wave of attacks 11 days earlier from mysterious flying spheres on New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. This was the deadliest attack on the United States in history, leaving more than 40,000 people dead or missing.
Evidence suggests Grady ordered Cruz and Lofton to supply reports to alien terrorist cells that outlined various ways to neutralize planetary defenses and suggested points of attack to inflict the greatest amount of property damage and loss of life.
No clear details on which aliens masterminded the attack on the United States have emerged nearly two weeks later. This has only fueled speculation of aliens being deeply embedded in FARP and other government agencies and using their positions and knowledge to put Earth in jeopardy.
“I can’t sleep at night thinking about everything that’s happened,” Baltimore refugee Liz Sawyer said. “I lost my fiancé, my dog — everything precious to me. Why were any (expletive) aliens allowed to settle on Earth in the first place?”
FARP was originally founded as a government agency under Gillman’s predecessor at the White House, President Aaron Shoemaker, in 2044. White House critics blasted Gillman and Congress for not exercising proper oversight on who staffed the agency.
“Someone dropped the ball along the way, and it cost lives,” said Eva Pinto, director of Earth First Communities — a non-profit organization calling for major reforms of the current White House administration’s alien resettlement policies. “Where were background checks that would have certainly uncovered deep ties between FARP and alien terrorists? This is unacceptable.”
Pinto suggested that Gillman be held accountable for this failure and resign from his office immediately.
“It’s clear he needs to step down,” Pinto said. “We need a leader who prioritizes the safety and welfare of people on Earth over being a mother hen for aliens from distant planets.”
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