Introducing Folklore Friday
An exploration of myths and legends from the past to the present time
I’ve made no secret concerning my love of folklore, myths, and urban legends. These tales often inspire the direction my own fiction and poetry travel. Folklore is as old as human civilization itself and shines a light on the dark corners of human nature.
Ancient myths and legends attempted to answer existential questions and mysteries through wild stories of Gods and monsters. Ancient people used myths to explain things that offered no easy explanation in the absence of advanced knowledge gleaned from science, medicine, and technology that we take for granted in the digital age. Still, folklore has not vanished in the 21st century. It takes on different forms — like urban legends, for example — in our time.
Modern folklore bears a similar purpose and design to ancient mythology. Urban legends confront deep-rooted fears arising from life in a modern industrialized world. Questions we can’t easily answer become roots for strange or terrifying tales passed from parent to child or friend to friend.
I’ve added a new section to my Strange New Worlds newsletter called Folklore Friday. My initial plan is to explore myths and legends from all over the world each Friday. I want to shine a light on strange, fantastic, and terrifying tales and mythological creatures — some of which have inspired my own writing. This fits thematically with the title of my newsletter and opens a new door to delve into a subject I enjoy.
Check your inbox each Friday for new articles on folklore and mythology. Join me in exploring these fascinating and terrifying strange new worlds!
Do you have a specific myth or legend you want me to explore on a future Folklore Friday? Comment below and share your thoughts with me.
Sounds great! I also have a fascination with mythology and folklore. Looking forward to it!