Ever hear the conspiracy theory that we all live in a simulation? I don’t subscribe to such a notion myself. Still, each one of us experiences days where it feels like outside forces seize control of our lives. These invisible antagonists shape how the day plays out and compel us to bend to their will.
An inevitable question arises: are you living your dream or someone else’s dream?
This idea inspired my poem, The Mask in the Mirror, where the narrator is losing their grip on what is real and true in a chaotic world.
Whenever I gaze into a mirror Nothing real greets my eyes. No emotion nor thought surfaces to offer a snapshot of my soul. A blank stare drowns my face within a pool filled with subtle lies. I guess I no longer understand what I'm supposed to think or feel. The things I see blind my eyes. The words I hear deafen my ears. Is my chaotic world a clever simulation? A nightmarish facsimile of what's real? The mirror refuses to share answers. It slams shut the door into my soul. My reflection only mocks my dilemma. An illusion greets my wandering eyes. Everything is a façade or mask. Forcing me to fill a predestined role.
I've definitely had days where I was on some weird autopilot and, when i got to the end of the day, I realized couldn't say what had been steering the ship. It was a genuinely spooky feeling and I think you capture it beautifully here.
I like the feeling you convey in this poem, John. I think we've all felt this way before (myself included). Nice job capturing such a universal theme that, in my opinion, is part of the human experience.