Reader Poll: Character Corner
Vote for which character will be featured in my debut Character Corner column
Stories are only as compelling as the characters who occupy that fictional world. Characters offer an accurate barometer of an author’s effectiveness as a storyteller. Does an author create a character who leaps off the page and feels like a real person? Is that character one you can easily visualize in your head as a reader? Every author who takes their craft seriously wants nothing more than to create characters who resonate so deeply with their readers that they will laugh, cry, and scream with those characters as they turn the pages.
So much time and thought goes into developing dynamic characters and creating their stories. I can attest that my stories only scratch the surface in revealing what I truly know concerning each character. For that reason, I have decided to introduce a new periodic Character Corner feature for readers of this newsletter.
My goal with the Character Corner feature is to share some additional details of your favorite characters from my published stories. Give you a chance, as readers, to get to know each character better.
Cast your vote in my new reader poll below to let me know which character you would love to see featured in my inaugural Character Corner feature in mid-October.