"The Russian Geographical Society debunked claims that Russia was ever called Tartaria or Great Tartaria in its history."

There's a CIA doc on this erasure. The State continually erases cultures and other States when it wins. Tartaria is of course overblown, but to pretend it never existed, when its all over in maps and the historical evidence, is just as incorrect.

Look at the Moors as yet another example of a people being entirely erased, along with their culture, especially in the USA and India. The problem imo is that historical groups are sandboxed into being a controlled psyop that we only look at through our lens of global domination, when it was likely more pluralistic.

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Why is Tartarian history being erased? I’m 53 and this is the first time I’ve ever heard about it…. Just like the Smithsonian hiding the giant skeletons that are found from our past . These societies that collect and document our past to provide an education to the world smiling to our faces while they piss down our leg has me furious! What else is being blown up our asses? My entire schooling was obviously set up and full of lies….. rockef surehad everyone over a barrel I tell ya….money will buy you anything that’s for sure…..fools pay for lies and I’m one of obviously…… you pieces of sh_t..

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We have all been played. All f'n lies. There's stages of anger to go through and for me this went down mostly in 20-21, and I am done with their lies. Now I am just trying to get out of their system completely. Let it collapse on its own.

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